Alright. Black Hills Radio Control, or BHRC as it has come to be known, was the next step along the way. It's showing almost a shoulder patch of sorts in a keystone shape with a radio tower and a flashing lightning bolt, and flashing bolts around the top of the tower. You can also hear an odd sound file looping, almost like skewed Morse code. A lot like Morse code. Exactly like Morse code. HetMasteen translated the code to find it was taken from a book called "Civil War" by Lucien. The quote is the inset from the book link, starting with "Just so flashes..." Discussion between drizjr and HetMasteen further revealed that the smaller bolts at the top of the radio tower were also Morse code- but numbers only. After a hitch or two, drizjr posted these numbers. Using these numbers, and a modified Beale/book cipher(Beale- the painter of the magic lantern slides, remember?), the words were counted out in the quote to reveal- "dearther." At the time, the topic of discussion was- what's a dearther? Wild speculation and definitions helped in no way. HetMasteen, however, did discover that dearther.html was the next step in the Tooman way. Dearther lead us to a group of radio flash programs, and we've heard everything from static, to Morse code, to a presidential campaign- all of which we'll cover when we get there. Oh, and dearther? Merely an anagram for "red earth," the password to the AYAB site. :)

The first lead from BHRC came well after its finding, over a month after it's discovery. Morse code... that lead to